For the past two years, I've had the honor to help Toastmasters International in photo shooting at their local conferences and contests. This is an organization where you can find the most motivated individuals from all across different professions. Among those faces you see their utmost desire to bring themselves to the next level. Well, giving speeches is definitely the last thing I want to do in my lifetime. I’m happy enough to sit and listen to all the empowering speeches with my camera in hand… and sometimes I get so taken away by the messages I simply forget to press my button…
The tricky thing about shooting for TM is that I can’t be distracting and I can’t shoot when the contestants are giving speeches. But what I can do is to capture the moments of the audience when they're utterly drawn by their learning experiences…

Don was one of the featured speakers this year. At the age of 92, he’s been a TM for 51 years… imagine that. My jaw kept dropping as I listened to his stories and triumph…

Some nice quotes I've learned this year:
"We're only limited by our imagination."
"Leaders always anticipate the needs they serve."
"Today's success is the result of good judgment.
Good judgement is the result of experience.
Experience is the result of bad judgement. "