Every day, for three weeks, Jing watched me walk by.
Being one of the front desk staff at the youth hostel in Xining, Jing was responsible and always got an answer to my question. We never chatted beyond topics outside my needs as a guest, till one evening,... I had a strong need to consult a local for some serious Mandarin tutorial. I asked her.
We spent over an hour reading through pages of words that were clueless to me.
We then spent another two hours chatting about everything other than things I needed to know.
And we so enjoyed each others' company,sharing great stories we encountered; the passion we both carried towards life and serving the unfortunate, somehow binded us together.
Doesn't this often happen, that when we're looking for something, we find something else on our way?

Jing & I hanging out at the bar of the hostel, where I enjoyed a cup of freshly brewed Tibetan coffee every morning.
(yes... this place is unbelievably cozy & affordable)